Baptismal water — washes away all our sins — through the risen Christ.
Teach us through Your word — as You indwell and guide us — Your redeemed children.
© Haiku by Robin Lybeck
“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
(Psalm 118:24)
My name is Robin Lybeck. Encouraged by Scripture is a blog about God’s love and plan for us, told through His word and experienced in our lives. I thought I had lost my place in His kingdom because of decisions I’d made that I knew were contrary to His will. But God in His mercy has shown me how great His loves is! He made sure I learned the truth about Jesus, the Savior of the world. He made certain I knew that meant me. He did this by pursuing me through events and intervening in my life. He guided me back to Him! Since then He has taught and encouraged me through His word.
Just as I am in work in progress, so is this blog. I update posts and pages as He leads me to.
I am not a theologian but a follower of Jesus. I share the experiences God has given throughout my life that brought me to believe completely His story of redemption. I share my testimony with joy as a follower whose life has been redeemed and transformed by Him. Redemption is God’s story, meant to bless us, His creation. I pray the amazing grace shared in these posts encourage you in your journey with Him.
Robin’s Journey ⇒
I share the specific experiences I talk about above through the pages and posts titled and tagged “Robin’s Journey.” I invite you to read them if you would like to know more about me. (Click here to link to the page.) I am amazed by God’s journey with me! He pursued me, called me, and taught me when I felt the farthest away from Him. He was at work in my life, even when I denied Him, believing He had no interest in me and made no impact on my life. Over time He has opened my eyes, my heart and my soul. This amazing God desires a relationship with you through His Son.
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