Poetry is sprinkled throughout the site and is gathered here.
Each poem links to the post that inspired it.
“Abiding in the Vine”
God is the gardener,
the vineyard is His,
Jesus, His Son, is the vine.
The fruit that He grows,
is His gift for the world,
ripened by radiant “Son-shine.”
We’re fruit-bearing branches,
that abide in His Vine,
we are pruned by the Gardener to grow.
For the fruit that we bear,
we give all glory to God,
and we share it wherever we go!
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
“Amy’s Hands”
The music of her needles sang
as yarn intertwined into place.
Amy’s stitches were made by fingers
bent by time and overflowing with love.
Gently, rhythmically, a pattern emerged
as row upon row was added.
Amy’s hands made every stitch a place
where her love merged with God’s.
She knit her creations to give away,
in answer to the special call Jesus gave her.
Through each one,
Amy loved another as Jesus loved her,
abundantly and with grace.
She expected nothing in return.
All who knew her, knew Amy was His disciple.
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
“Baptismal Water”
Baptismal water
washes away all our sins
in the risen Christ.
Teach us through Your word
as You indwell and guide us,
Your redeemed children.
©Haiku by Robin Lybeck
“Butterfly Wings”
I love them so I rescue them,
but is this what God intends?
Or is struggling part of learning,
to center our lives on Him?
The butterfly offers us insight,
of the transformation struggle brings,
earth-bound bodies, encased and still
gain beautiful, fluttering wings!
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
Fallen in autumn,
separated from their source.
Nature mirrors us.
God offers rebirth.
Become a new creation,
redeemed by My Son!
Wear His righteousness!
Be indwelled by His Spirit!
Know that He is God.
©Haiku by Robin Lybeck
“Higher Ground”
(sequel to “Butterfly Wings”)
I wanted to try my fluttering wings,
fly freely with joy and peace!
Yet I couldn’t seem to loose myself
from a confusing pull toward grief.
Why is this so, was His teaching wasted?
I wondered with dismay.
Why have such wings if I’m still lost,
unable to find my way?
“Wait, my child!” I heard Him say,
my spirit at last aware,
“I have a purpose for your life,
and I will lead you there.”
“Bidding good-bye to former ways
is difficult to do.
You cannot do this on your own,
but I AM here for you.”
“First we’ll seek out higher ground,
so you can begin to see,
the things I have prepared for you,
as you surrender in trust to Me.”
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
“It’s All God’s River”
Cascading, pounding, rushing waters,
overflowing bounds,
uncontained, unexpected,
unwelcome, flooding, drowned.
Parched and thirsty, shrunk, and stagnant
flowing not at all,
abandoned, lonely, lost and stranded,
“Why, Lord, why?” we call.
His river is found in flood, in drought,
when life is not serene.
We find him whenever we reach out
and embrace His Son, our King.
It’s God’s river that carries us always,
through this life and onward still,
connected to His endless love,
through Christ, it is His will.
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
“Son Rising”
Planes crashing
Buildings falling
Son rising
Flag raising
Rubble searching
Son rising
Blood donating
Prayer lifting
Son rising
Pain screaming
Loss engulfing
Son rising
Country mourning
Kingdom gathering
Son rising
Jesus living
Jesus dying
Jesus rising
©Poem by Robin Lybeck
“The Gift of a Thankful Heart”
Thankful hearts bless us
and allow us to receive
all the Father’s gifts.
©Haiku by Robin Lybeck
“Where’s My Wallet?”
My wallet is gone!
Its important contents lost
because I hurried.
What will the cost be
if steps cannot be retraced,
my lost wallet found?
Now that it is gone
I repent of my hurry,
not sure why I rushed.
Will I call my friends,
and say, “Come, rejoice with me?”
Please, God, grant me this!
©Haiku by Robin Lybeck
“Why Jesus?”
Why, Jesus, why me?
Why love me when I’ve strayed?
Why save me when time and again all I’ve done is disobey?
Was it You, Jesus, who told me I should pray?
Invited me to kneel down, to clasp my hands and say,
“God, it’s me and I am so scared! Is it too late for me?
I’m so sorry, oh so sorry, God. Is there any hope for me?”
God said, “Yes, there is hope! Listen to My truth!
I’ve been waiting on you patiently since your Baptismal birth.”
© Robin Lybeck